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If you are planning to make improvements that require installation of plumbing fixtures where there are no water or drainage facilities, then you should contact us. Our expert plumbers will help you to draw up a detailed plan to scale before proceeding.
The two main tasks ahead of you will be: 1) to make sure your plans comply with local building codes, and 2) to make accurate rough-in measurements. A building code is a collection of legal statutes that specify which building materials may be used and how these materials are to be assembled in the construction of residential and commercial buildings. To comply with code, a building permit must be secured from the local building department and allow the building inspector access to the work for inspection and approval at various stages of completion. Roughing-in piping for fixtures and appliances in exactly the right places is critical because finished walls and cabinets usually cover the piping by time you install the fixtures. You will also need to know how much space each new fixture will require both practically and as a matter of local codes.
If you decide to trust us with the job, then our expert plumbers will help you with the layouts, feasibility, permits and inspections with great care and affordable prices!